Our third China Tech PR Network is coming this Thursday!

Marketers, communication professionals and business leaders often find it challenging to talk to their tech developers, programmers or artists about turning an idea into a user-friendly solution. On the other hand, founders of tech companies who are from the technology side, can struggle to explain their vision and technology to the market. This “lost in translation” scenario happens every day, and can have a very negative impact on the successful development of a project or product.

How can we break the language and communication barriers without compromising on the true meaning of the idea or the technology and, not only improve the communication efficiency, but eventually drive the business growth and efficiency.

At our upcoming China Tech PR Network event, we invite two business heads from leading tech companies in their field, who are experienced in bridging the business and the technical worlds to discuss how they manage it in their organizations.

Beatrix C. Frisch, General Manager at Mackevision China, one of the global leaders in computer generated imagery which covers 3D visualization, animation and visual effects (VFX), and Timothy Chen, Head of International Product at Mobike, will share their knowledge and experiences in a fireside Q&A lead by John Artman, Editor in Chief for Technode, a leading English media focused on China’s tech and startups news, and China Tech PR Network’s official media partner.

Register here: https://www.eventbank.cn/event/15532/

About China Tech PR Network

With the technology world evolving so fast every day, the demand for good PR talents specialized in Tech in China increases tremendously. PR professionals are required to not only have good understanding of the PR hard skills, but also be able to stay on the edge of the trends of all the aspect of technology and innovation development, and understand the fast changing needs and communication challenges of tech startups as well as multinational tech giants.

China Tech PR Network, co-organized by leading tech PR specialist agency Influence Matters and conference & network company SC Media, aimed to to bring communication experts and young PR talents from the tech industry, PR, marketing, and digital agencies together, to exchange insightful ideas and good practices in terms of how effective PR communications can take tech business to another level. And more importantly, to create a lively networking space for tech PR professionals in China, where people can learn firsthand experiences and industry insights, exchange the latest news, trends and ideas and expand their personal professional networks.

The dialogue and Q&A session will be in English during this event.

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