According to a 2018 forecast from GMSA, mobile subscriptions would reach 5.7 billion in 2020-equivalent to 73% of the global population. Also, the mobile industry contribution to global GDP is as high as 3.3 trillion US dollars. The profit potential of mobile applications was massive, which made the mobile measurement industry more and more competitive.
Besides, although Adjust had the fundamental of PR in China with its presence on WeChat, the company needed to enhance its thought leader image for broader awareness in the mobile marketing industry. Therefore, Adjust needed a strategic brand positioning in China while it required expanding communications planning and activities.
Influence Matters built a local thought-leader image that demonstrated Adjust’s commitment to the Chinese market and understanding of its trends, maintained channels for the output of PR and marketing content that included media and events.
The team leveraged content developed by our Content Hub specifically for China as well as localized from Adjust’s international marketing efforts, and built lasting relationships with top tier marketing, e-commerce, gaming, portal, and technology press in China, to deliver regular front-page coverage positioning Adjust as the best provider of Simple, Smart and Secure Mobile Marketing tools.
We developed high-quality media briefings and interviews, to build a strong relationship with many top-tier vertical media and KOLs such as Fmarketing, Baijingapp, Luosiji, etc.
To entrench Adjust’s industry-leading position in mobile advertising, we also leveraged Adjust’s participation at major events in China, such as GMIC – to engage the press directly with announcements and interviews.
We distributed 3 byline articles and press releases every month, generated an average of about 520 clippings a year, many of which in prime media real estate, greatly raising the awareness of Adjust in China. We also assisted some media briefing or conferences for Adjust, such as the 2019 CEO China visit media conference, which built a deep connection with 20 Chinese business, tech, gaming, and marketing media. All these efforts have cemented Adjust as the leader open for business with China, and directly generated qualified business leads!