Building impressive communication for a multiplex e-learning event

La French Tech Bridging French and China Tech Innovation Ecosystems


  • La French Tech needed assistance to tailor their communication and messaging for NEXT TECH CHINA, a one-week hybrid market discovery event for French startups 
  • Influence Matters developed a full PR and social plan to attract participating startups and attendees. 
  • Results: 20 startups participated, 600 organizations attended, 930+ attendees from the chinese ecosystem, and a media program that generated 141 clippings in total.

La French Tech China, a volunteer-led association promoting French innovation and startups in China supported by the French government, was organizing the first edition of the NEXT TECH CHINA. The event was organized as a multiplex e-learning journey organized by French Tech China, with live events in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Paris, and online, to showcase and explain the opportunities of the Chinese market to French startups with high potential and interest in understanding the Chinese ecosystem.   

As NEXT TECH CHINA is an ambitious event involving major stakeholders including the French government, major sponsors, and startups with high expectations on public awareness, La French Tech needed professional assistance to support them in building a full communication strategy, before, during, and after the event. 


Influence Matters proposed a program that would help La French Tech build and amplify awareness around the vitality of the French startup ecosystem towards Chinese audiences of investors, tech insiders and the startup communities on one side, and showcase the opportunities for French startups in China.  

The program focused on delivering inspiring stories about French startups founding, innovation and internationalization with the support of the French government through the French Tech, and the great history of French-Chinese relations in technology and innovation. 

Influence Matters developed a full messaging framework for the NEXT TECH CHINA and set up a press bureau and social media team that would execute a PR strategy in four phases:  

1. A launch event designed to build awareness in China 3 months ahead of the event with Chinese press activities, and a series and interviews with French press to promote the event towards French startups and potential sponsors.
2. A build up program in the Chinese market of press and social activities introducing the NEXT TECH CHINA program and participants to deliver visibility to startups, investors and attendees with regular media activities (press releases, interviews, bylines).
3. A full live and virtual press bureau during the event delivering daily press and social media recaps, managing 30 attending media and daily interviews with participants.
4. A closing press conference followed by press and social recaps demonstrating the success of the event.


A total of 20 startups attended the program, major French companies sponsored the event and more than 930 participants from more than 600 organizations and 27 countries attended the week-long event thanks to the communication program. French President Macron gave his public support to the program in a video message prior to the event.  

The program generated 141 media articles in all the top-tier Chinese business and technology presses, as well as articles in French economic papers and segments on business news television.  On Linkedin, the campaign generated over 15,000 impressions, 960 likes, and 140 comments and shares from the targeted audience. 

In the Press.

On social media.

What results look like