More Uber news as Tencent “inadvertently” censored the word “Uber” for a couple hours last Thursday, the gaming market outlook for China is huge (We will be at ChinaJoy by the way, get in touch to set a meeting), MWC Shanghai closed another successful edition and Tsinghua’s bid on Micron shows China’s ambition to become a global chip leader.

China will make up 1/5th of the global mobile gaming market this year | Venturebeat

b1 Apple-iPhone-6-Eduardo-Woo-FlickrChina has come online with smartphones at an incredible rate, and this has it on pace to rule the world when it comes to spending on smartphone and tablet games. The Asian superpower is set to generate approximately $6.5 billion in revenues this year according to industry intelligence firms Newzoo and TalkingData.


WeChat blocks the word “Uber”, claims it’s a technical glitch | Tech In Asia  

On Thursday afternoon, Chinese WeChat users discovered something weird: searches for the word “Uber” on WeChat wouldn’t turn up any posts related to or mentioning the company in their circles. Tencent itself confirmed the block, which it blames on a technical glitch.

China’s Bid for Chip Giant Signals Lofty Ambitions | The Wall Street Journal

Tsinghua Technology, A Chinese state-owned company, proposed to buy chip giant Micron Technology Inc. for $23 billion in the latest sign of the country’s growing ambition to push beyond gadgets and become a broad technology superpower.

Asian Tech Start-Ups Quietly Earn Backing | The New York Times

Golden time in Asia, and especially in China, for startups with an idea to get funding from local and international investors looking at riding the China startup craze. The New York Times follows a couple examples of companies you have not heard of already values at more than a billion dollars.

Photo Highlights From Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2015 | Technode

b2Mobile World Congress Shanghai was held last week and was another huge success. Teachnode’s Cate Cadell made the trip and gives us a photo report.


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