Turning a Storage Chip Company Into a Marketing and Social Media Powerhouse in China

Winbond Build a Leading Innovator Image


  • Winbond, a leading storage semiconductor company from Taiwan focused on a very niche market, wanted to enter a new market while facing competition.
  • Influence Matters team developed a comprehensive multi-channel strategy introducing Winbond’s technologies to the engineer-based audiences.
  • Results: New social platforms generated 10k video views and 300% increase in followers in a month, 25k engineers reached through influencers, and thousands more through webinar series

Winbond, a storage semiconductors supplier for niche markets from Taiwan, has mainly focused on IoT and wearable devices but ambitioned to enter the automotive field. Although storage technology is developing to a more sophisticated level, people’s daily lives are still inseparable from mature technology, the market that Winbond competes in. Besides, as one of the largest semiconductor-consuming countries globally, China is undoubtedly a crucial market for the company.

Although the market keeps growing, the total market size of the niche is lower compared to the mainstream market. Meanwhile, the niche market is highly competitive as based on mature technology where Chinese domestic companies are constantly catching up.

The company was managing marketing from HQ in Taiwan but needed an experienced Semicon PR and marketing team to develop comprehensive communication plans and strategies covering multi-channel to build a more distinct brand image swiftly to stand out from other competitors.


Influence Matters developed a series of media and social media strategies to attract interest from professional audiences (mainly engineers): increase exposure on China’s most popular video platform, Bili Bili, gather leads of excellent quality through a webinar series, and compete for influential awards, aiming at positioning Winbond as the technology leader of memory solutions for the niche market.

Influence Matters started to support Winbond’s video promotion on Bilibili, collaborating with one famous semiconductor influencer whose fans are mainly chip designers. In addition, the Influence Matters team helped Winbond establish good relations with the top-tier media – Elecfans, holding webinars with an active Q&A session, and participating in the IoT Award applications, winning them the award for the most innovative product, and receiving a highly visible video interview on the platform.

Early impressive results from the program pushed Winbond to extend the project every year and increase its investments in new tactics to support growing sales.


The collaborative video on Bilibili delivered over 25k views and generated a 317% increase in Winbond’s followers in one month. Winbond acquired nearly 500 leads through a webinar series and got to exchange with its professional audience face to face.

Meanwhile, Winbond gained more visibility and built up a strong brand image as the technology leader by participating in the Elecfans IoT Conference, delivering an online speech, and winning a vital award ideally positioning itself as the partner of choice for memory applications.

In the Press.

On social media.

What results look like